The webcomics blog about webcomics

Slim Is On To Something

Hey Wiz is back with a new comic, and a devil-may-care attitude. I wonder how many people actually know the GPS coordinates to the nearest titty bar?

I think the nearest one to me is the Fantasy Ranch. Sweet.

I Thought Don Johnson Was Dead

Today’s Theatre Hopper examines the point of the Miami Vice movie. I think Tom is onto something when he asks why the movie was even made. I mean, who gives two shits about pastel suits, rolled sport-coat sleeves, and cheesy eighties techno? The show was never good to begin with.

How do I know this?

Because my father loved the damn show, so as a child Miami Vice was crammed into my unsuspecting brain. Images of Don Johnson cavorting around in sock-less loafers and spouting cliches still play back in my mind as horrible night terrors.

I Can Finally Get Drunk And Call It Research

Over at Overcompensating Jeff is giving back to his audience by linking to the “I’m Just Drinking: Web Comics edition” page. This page holds a rather extensive list of popular and not-so-popular web comics and drink recipes based off the comic itself. I thought to myself “Is it possible that such a list even exists?”

Oh, it is. And it does.

Here are a few of my favorite recipes so far, but I’m sure you will have your own personal favorites.

This list will get you started on the hazy, blissful road to alcoholism.  Have fun friends and remember, if you hook a car battery to your testicles, it is going to smart.

Weak Hu-mans With Their Flesh And Feelings

I thought QC was the only strip doing a guest week, but it looks like R.Stevens is taking a much needed rest and has called on the friendly assistance of his web comic pals.

Today’s guest strip over at Diesel Sweeties features everyone’s favorite easily-angered character, Red Robot. This strip has him demolishing the human lifeform, which is his favorite pastime. Now what I’m really looking forward to is getting to order my very own Red Robot toy and having him guard my computer from pathetic hu-mans.

This Is The Best Guest Strip Ever

Today’s Questionable Content guest strip is possibly the most twisted, disgusting, and appalling comic that I’ve read recently. But it’s also the funniest thing I’ve read in long time as well. And when I say long, I mean Tommy Lee long.

If you enjoy the comedy stylings of Lick My Jesus, Sarah Silverman, or Wonder Showzen, then go check out the strip. I love dark humor, and nothing makes me laugh like taunting a poor girl about the suicide death of her father with fruit pies.  

Thank you Chris Hastings for this comic, or should I say Christ Hastings?

I Want To Be A Legend

So I was checking out all of today’s updates and such and such, when I came across today’s A Softer World. Now this is why I love this comic. Offensive, vulgar, and just a tad controversial, A Softer World never ceases to amaze me. I suggest checking out the comic simply because it focuses on everyone’s favorite pastime, masturbation.

Looks Like Spiderman Needs To Blog

Over at Cartridge Comics, the infamous Emo-Spider has returned. The original Emo-Spider saw some recognition at Cartridge, but now is having a glorious return since the Spiderman 3 Trailer came out. For those who haven’t seen the trailer, Peter Parker is sporting some angsty emo hair. So Cartridge is planning to bank off this uncanny likeness of the two characters by selling Emo-Spider tees. I think I might get one to sooth the tormented, web-slinging side of me.

Congrats To Our Dark Lord And Master

Hey everybody! Jeph has hit the big 666 over at Questionable Content, and has drawn a pretty evil-tastic comic in honor of the big day. All I have to say is that Dora looks sextacular in that corset and makeup. Don’t you agree?

I just thought I’d mention today’s Diesel Sweeties as well because it made me laugh out loud. The line “My life may suck, but it sucks exactly the way I like it!”  cracked me up. If you are any type of nerd like myself you understand where our friend Electron Mike is coming from. I do love me some nerd humor.

Everyone Loves A Sharp Dressed Nerd

Since the SDCC is going on, the web comic world has been a bit quieter than usual. Though Rob and Elliot did learn that you can never go to a Con without a costume, it is forbidden.  I’ve always wanted to go to a con with a kick-ass costume. My dream would to go to the SDCC or one of the major Star Wars cons and be Leia in the gold bikini or Mara Jade. But enough of my personal nerd fantasies. If you were to go in costume to a con, who whould you be?

Three Comics In One? Say What?

That’s right folks, R.Stevens at Diesel Sweeties has come up with a fun Vaudeville-like approach to web comics. Today’s set of jokes is rightfully titled “Perverted Jerks.” It features a handful of the DS lineup telling, well, perverted jokes. What more could you want? 

You start out with one set of characters with their joke, and then you simply click on the comic for the next one. R.Stevens explains it as “lots of semi-attached gags in sequence.” And that it is, with one filthy joke leading into another.

R.Stevens has dubbed this style of comic “Web Comic Tetris“. I think it’s ingenius, and spices up our normal view of webcomics by offering a fun three-in-one deal. Honestly though, it’s just fun to click on things.