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Faith, In The End, Is Rewarded

Few people I know still have an RSS reader, ever since Google did us all dirty and essentially killed the entire idea of RSS; as such, I keep an oldschool bookmark list of comics that I open daily. Things that don’t update on particular days, or perhaps are on hiatus, they get opened up along with the more active sites; the cost of doing so is negligible.

And sometimes, that pays off. Achewood has from 25 December 2016 been without a change. Oh, sure, occasionally a note in the header of the page if Onstad had new merch drops, but no new strips.

Until last Friday. A new look and feel to the page. A Patreon with new strips. And an appeal for people to help build the Next Thing. Oh sure, there was an email announcing the latest iteration of Achewood that dropped on Saturday, but that first 24 hours? It felt like I was in on a secret, rewarded for my long, patient, 2322-day vigil. And now we have an answer to the question, What would it take to get Gary to open a Patreon account?

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