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Missed This While In Transit Yesterday

This is too exciting to put off so we are just going to cut to the chase:

I had a bit over 12 hours to prepare something dignified to say about this but instead I am lying in bed at 7:15am going a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

(Also that I am so proud and happy that The Legend of Auntie Po is a National Book Award youth lit finalist this year!!!)

The fact that the news broke just about the time a plane door was closing and I was in cut off from the internet is no excuse; Shing Yin Khor is a dear friend of mine and I should have been able to hear the a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a in my brain and I apologize to them most sincerely.

The Legend Of Auntie Po as a reminder, is a great favorite of all of us at Fleen as has been since before it was finished, when Khor and I talked about it over Mexican food¹ more than three years before it saw print.

And let us not forget about the previous nominees in graphic form that have been nominated for the National Book Award: the March trilogy, Gene Luen Yang’s stellar American Born Chinese — mentioned here but one post back — and Boxers & Saints, Nimona. Each of them is the best of what comics is, and Auntie Po stands tall next to them.

Year after year, the National Book Awards find the very best in literature, and this year’s nominees are no different. If the stickers affixed to the covers of future printings of Auntie Po say National Book Award Finalist rather than National Book Award Winner, that’s no shame. Then again, how many past National Book Award winners have featured a giant blue water buffalo and the best pie for miles around? Tragically few, and it’s past time to remedy that.

Seriously though, The Legend Of Auntie Po really is that good, and will be a part of the comics canon going forward, and if you haven’t read it yet maybe get on that. We at Fleen wish the best of luck to all the nominees, but maybe a little extra to the tiny gnome who is an absolute fucking rock star that brought us The Legend Of Auntie Po. Shing, I am so proud to call you my friend.

Spam of the day:

Hi, plz stop messaging me in whatsapp ! why you sending me your photos

The very fact that you think I’m using WhatsApp, which requires a godsdamned Facebook account, shows that your victim-identification algorithms are utter shit. Get on my level, spammers.

¹ I thought it was pretty good; being from LA, Khor thought it adequate. We both agreed that the company was excellent.

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