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I Don’t Seem To Be Getting Many Of These Written These Days

Mea culpa, y’all. The thing that is consuming my time is … hopefully limited in duration. I’d much rather be here for real, and not banging out sporadic quick updates but it’s what I can do for now.

Speaking of, good news for people that follow webcomics:

  • Ryan North has announced a new book! He’s describing as the spiritual successor to How To Invent Everything, which is sounding good already. Check it:

    HOW TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD: Practical Schemes and Scientific Solutions for the Aspiring Supervillain has:
    [splode emoj] real-life comic book schemes
    [test tube emoji] with actual science and technology
    [Earth emoji] across 9 viable world domination plots

    It drops Mar 15 2022: preorder now!

    In a just world, I would have been discussing this work in progress with North at Comics Camp for the past two Aprils, but it is not a just world and I am learning of it the same as you. Those who know North also know there’s isn’t a malicious bone in his body and he is not actually a villain of any kind such as never-captured hijacker DB Cooper, so know that this book is entirely the product of his fertile imagination and not actually any kind of evil plot that you should be worried about. And the illustrations by everybody’s pal, Carly Monardo, should not be interpreted as giving away secret hints as to his nefarious plans. Not even a little.

  • The National Cartoonists Society has announced their division awards for webcomics (long and short form), and there’s some familiar names there. As a reminder, I’m part of the committee that produces a voting ballot for the NCS, but the process is such that even I didn’t know the nominees until the public announcement¹, which you can read for yourself.

    The nominees for Online Comic — Long Form are Tom Parkinson-Morgan for Kill Six Billion Demons, Ariel Ries for Witchy, and Tom Siddell for Gunnerkrigg Court.

    The nominees for Online Comic – -Short Form are Mia Nie for Lone Shadow, Rosemary Mosco for Bird And Moon, and Nick Seluck for Heart And Brain.

    There’s not a weak nominee in the bunch and though I may have preferences, I’ll never tell. Fleen wishes good luck to all the nominees, and watch for the winners to be named at the (virtual) 75th Reuben Awards, 15 and 16 October, at

Spam of the day:

Magic Pants

Unless you are talking about Icelandic necropants, not interested.

¹ Which I gotta get somebody over there to tell me when they go up because I could have been talking about this weeks ago.

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