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In The Best Squirrel Girl Fashion, He Made An Enemy Into A Friend

I refer, of course, to this, this, this, and this. My only regret in life is that the reading referenced in the last link wasn’t recorded because I desperately want to see that in action.

But Ryan Estrada is nothing if not a magnificently generous human being, and he asked himself, perhaps I don’t need to have this conflict with Jerry. And thus:

Hey @fleenguy I taught Jerry how to make comics and we told one another that we both think the other is capable of winning an Eisner. We believe in each other now. It was a very touching moment. Jerry’s cool.

Doreen Green couldn’t have done it better, and we at Fleen welcome Jerry’s transformation from villain (or at least antihero) to friend (with the acknowledgment that future writers might retcon this). Glad I no longer need to have a nemesis. Go forth, Jerry, and make comics. Make so many, and so good, that you do win an Eisner some day, and hopefully you’ll remember Ryan Estrada’s name when you give your speech.

In other news, Diamond finally got some weeks-overdue books to my shop¹, so look for some reviews in the coming week. In fact, I’m going to get a head start on reading, so we’ll pick this up again on Monday. Have a good weekend, everybody!

Spam of the day:

Himalayan “Poop Protocol” Stretch that’s erasing years of back pain.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you people?

¹ While not managing to get this week’s releases to me. I need to get Bubble so I can break out the LASER DONG pin!

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