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At This Point, If I Never Hear The Words Breaking News Again, I’ll Be Thrilled

It’s been an exhausting … forever, really.There are various lights at the ends of various tunnels, not the least being that the local Girl Scouts will start cookie sales in my area on Saturday. Science has long wondered how many boxes of Thin Mints can fit into a standard-sized freezer, and come the weekend I intend to find out.

In webcomics news …

  • Today marks the start of year 20 of Something*Positive, which just boggles my mind. I started reading a little after Choo-Choo Bear¹ was introduced back in January 2002, and I’ve been a fan of Randy Milholland’s work ever since. I’d say you should read it from the very beginning, but that would require a significant expenditure of time and all you get for it is a tremendously well-written story that will occasionally break your heart. So yeah, you should do that.
  • Speaking of 20-odd years on, we’re a week into the latest story from John Allison’s Tackleverse, a direct carryover from the excellent Wicked Things print series last year. While it’s no secret that Lottie is my favorite, I’d be telling you to read it regardless because Allison is another one of those folks who just gets better with each new story. Bonus: today’s strip definitely confirms that Steeple is part of the Tackleverse which we suspected, but it’s nice to have confirmation. Nice to see you, Billie!
  • Readers may recall that I’ve spoken highly of Power Nap by Martiza Campos and Bachan, which wrapped last year. Both creators had other projects going and for stretches the story was pretty sporadic, but once they moved into the final scenes last year, they brought things to a satisfying and regularly-paced conclusion.

    Then something happened — the RSS feed I had for Power Nap to let me know when new pages released started telling me there were new pages, even though things had wrapped. It took a couple of pages to see what was going on — biker-looking dudes engaged in siege warfare in what appears to be a fantasy world, dudes who have a clear idea about what their jobs are (discussion about various warrior unions and demarcation show up), and one very pissed off dude is finally revealed to have the same name as this new story: GUTHRUM.

    Which is maybe the best, most metal name for a pissed off biker dude/on-the-clock siege warfare warrior I’ve ever heard. Pages are going up at a steady, weekly pace, and so far it’s a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see what Guthrum and his buddies get up to from here, but I bet it involves a lot of complaining.

Okay, let’s see if we can get through a full week of posts without life getting in the way. If T-rex is successful, I feel our chances will improve immensely.

Spam of the day:

Stuckpoop <stuckpoop@[redacted]> wrote: Drink this to eliminate constipation

How confident in yourself do you have to be to voluntarily take the email address stuckpoop? Pretty damn, I think.

¹ Reminder: everybody’s favorite pudding cat was 25 years old at his introduction, putting him well into his forties now. All the chemo that made his bones liquid must have really done the job.

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