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A Small Point Of Followup

We mentioned Elinor Wonders Why, the new PBS animated show for kids — I’ma say 4-5 years old, based on the preview episode I watched; the press release said 3-5, but the 3 year olds I know have the attention spans of drosophila¹ — the other day, and wanted to mention just a couple of items in followup.

  • Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson are not only credited as Created by in the opening credits, but are also listed as Executive Producers and writers of the theme song. This is probably the greatest amount of showrunning ever performed by a pair of STEM PhDs in entertainment history.
  • Judging from the cast page at IMDB, the kid characters are voiced by actual kid actors.
  • An episode about butterflies was written by Rosemary Mosco, who is also pleased about the number of bugs and lizards in the show that she worked into the show. Mosco is exactly the person you want to share a love of nature and how it works with anybody of any age.

Get your favorite preschooler, check your local listings, and tune in for some all-ages science and nature learnin’ starting Monday, 7 September.

Spam of the day:

80 keto dessert recipes (free today)

I suppose this could be more nonsensical. It could be a promise of 80 paleo dessert recipes.

¹ If the show manages to work drosophila into the show, I will be mightily impressed.

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