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In case you don’t feel like clicking through, it reads:

Please RT. Per his last wishes, donations of funds in Tom Spurgeon’s name can now be made to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum — specifically in support of Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC) programming. Here is the link:

The new year will be upon us soon, and with it I imagine we’ll be talking about other things. To help ease into that new world, please take a moment to think about Congressman John Lewis, who shared some grave news¹ with us over the weekend. Lewis, aside from the acclaim rightly earned with Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell for the March trilogy, is a bona fide hero, a man who was nearly beaten to death on the Edmund Pettus bridge by men who hated him for the dangerous ideal he championed — that all persons deserve equal protection of the law.

For me, I’m going to be taking to heart Charlie Pierce’s words:

John Lewis is still alive. That must be understood before the announcement of his illness causes the news cycle to inter him prematurely, and to cover the causes for which he still fights to be buried under flowers, and encomia, and empty pious bullshit of a very high grade. John Lewis is still alive. His causes are still this nation’s causes. His life’s work is unfinished, and it will remain unfinished, and the forces seeking to diminish it may pause if and when he finally passes, pauses for all the flowers, encomia, and empty pious bullshit, but those forces will be back at work very quickly after the funeral music fades. Votes still will be suppressed. Poverty still will be blamed on the poor. The question of race still will be put off for another day. But, for the moment, John Lewis is still alive.

and resolving to take up, even moreso than in past years, the fights that John Lewis fought, to get in that good trouble that he encouraged. This page has, over the past while, become more political out of necessity; I suspect it will only continue in the coming year. I do hope you’ll continue to join with me.

Spam of the day:

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You’re an asshole who is actively catering to those that are ruining the world. Fuck all the way off and when you get there, continue to fuck off.

¹ Pancreatic cancer, for those lucky enough not to know, is perhaps the most vicious bastard in the cancer family. It it usually not symptomatic until after it has spread to other organs and although it is a somewhat rare cancer, it is among the most lethal, both in terms of mortality rates and absolute numbers of deaths.

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