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Encouraging News

I love the word (and its variations) encouraging, the root of which goes back to the French coeur, or heart. Enheartend, heartening, my heart is supported.

Since yesterday, you’ve been sending your receipts to the Kidlit campaign to stop the kidnapping of refugee children. It looks like today Screamy Orange Shitmonger will be shifting things so that kids will be detained with their parents, which still no. This is not how you treat people seeking asylum, so keep sending your receipts because I’m matching until the end of the week.

The fight will continue past the end of the week, naturally, and will until we change the national leadership for people that have operating consciences. But we’re fighting, and forcing retreats, and giving no rest to the wicked.

We’ll see if my optimism holds up as I head to the airport in a few hours and return to the States, and it’s revealed how a professional white guy¹ fares at the border.

In the meantime, awesome people abound in the world of webcomics, not the least being Katie Lane². She sent me something ‘tother day that you may be interested in:

I just released my first class on Skillshare! It’s all about the parts of a contract that tend to have the most problems and what you can do to fix them.

As noted previously, there are few things that creators should do more for themselves than to get skilled enough in reading contracts that they can fix things that are in their ability to be fixed, and to recognize things that require the help of a lawyer. Lane’s all about sharing the knowledge so that you can do the bits that are in your ability rather than asking you to pay her money to do the simple stuff — and there’s nothing she likes more than digging through contracts, so this is actually a sacrifice on her part.

You can access the class via this link; if you’re not a Skillshare member, you’ll be able access the class and get 2 months of Skillshare membership for free (for which Lane will receive a referral fee). Got time for a little professional education? Jump in.

Spam of the day:


There is so much going on here, I almost want to click the link. Apparently, there’s a Japanese Dolly Parton, or maybe June Carter Cash? I’m boggling a little.

¹ Which is to say, a white guy who works as a professional, not somebody whose profession is white guy.

² Light-ning Law-yer!!

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