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I Would Give Everything To Not Have To Write This

I have wondered what it would take to bring me back to this site. I’m so out of the loop with comics, I have no plans to attend any of the shows this year with the pandemic being treated with denial, and I am still not certain if I’ll ever get back into the daily habit. But some things demand our attention and words are all I have to offer.

I woke up to the news:

Ivy Ratafia McLeod

You loved us and told us so.
We loved you and told you so.
Every day.

We love you. We miss you.
We wish it wasn’t so.

Ivy died in a car crash on Thursday, April 28.
She was 61. We were married 34 years.

The kids and I, plus Ivy’s family (and many dear friends) are slowly picking up the pieces. It may take awhile.

Comments off. You don’t have to say anything.♥

That from my dear friend Scott McCloud, whose hurt today I cannot begin to imagine. Everybody that knows Scott knows that they really know Scott and Ivy, because they are inseparable. They are … were, godsdammit … each other’s biggest fans and greatest friends. But then, Ivy was everybody’s greatest friend, the one that you didn’t realize how empty your life was all the times you didn’t see her until thirty seconds after she had to be elsewhere and walked away. When you were with her, you were the center of her attention, her entire world. She loved everybody.

This morning, trying to describe her to somebody that didn’t know her, I finally came to She didn’t wait to be an old woman to wear purple, which I have not yet been able to say out loud without choking up. She approached life with a joy that was a privilege to be around. Ivy, I loved you and I will treasure your memory as long as I live.

Oh, no — those few minutes I got to hang out with you and her at the 92Y a few years back will always be an excellent and fond memory. Thinking of the McClouds today.

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