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What I Want For My Birthday

Hey. It’s the day before (American) Thanksgiving and I have things to do and also it is my birthday. This means that it is also the birthday of Jon Rosenberg, the guy that got me to launch this damn site in the first place and still hosts it.

At like the second Pub Night I attended we discovered our co-birthday status, albeit with six years between us. Next year we’ll be a combined 100 years old! You’d be doing me a favor if you considered doing your shopping for whatever gift-proximate solstice holiday(s) you observe over at Jon’s Product Emporium. He and the multiple smallish replicants in his home that he is legally obligated to feed will thank you, as will I.

And if you’re not in the mood or economic state for commerce of that nature, please enjoy these updates from Jonsgivings Past, and may you always have the luck to remain on List 3B.

Spam of the day:
Nope. Spammers don’t get to share Jon’s/My day.

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