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There’s so many terrible things happening, so much tragedy perpetrated by those unable to conceive of a world where they are not universally acknowledged as masters, and yet …

And yet, there’s always good news to give us a respite from the terrible. Maybe you noticed four words at today’s Gunnerkrigg Court¹. Maybe you saw a tweet that was fairly brimming with joy. Magnolia Porter and Tom Siddell celebrated his relocation from the UK to New York City earlier this week by getting married this morning, and there is a world of good right there. Situations like these, I always fall back on on of my favorite bit from Willy Shakes:

Claudio: Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as you are mine, I am yours

Okay, Claudio’s a drip that needs his ass kicked², but that’s a great line. And like Claudio, I cannot properly say how happy I am for Porter and Siddell; may they find all the joy they can scarce find words to express.

And on the off chance you aren’t the sentimental sort, more good news: KC Green has retrieved his adaptation of Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio from Tumblr’s foul clutches and set it up on its own site, as well as released Chapter 25. This puts us at about the start of the final act in this three-act story, so get caught up if you want to see how the story looked before the grillo parlante got a name.

Spam of the day:

E-File Your IRS Taxes For Free* & Get Your Refund Fast.

I got my refund like six weeks ago; it must not be denied but you are a plain-dealing villain.

¹ Which, let’s be fair, went up approximately 5:45am EDT, speaking in the past tense about something that likely was still a few hours off.

² Benedick calling him on his shit is another of my favorite bits from Dub-S; in fact, pretty much all of Much Ado is a nonstop delight, and I have regular, lengthy internal arguments about my favorite interpretations of those roles. On any given day, Emma Thompson/Kenneth Branagh and Catherine Tate/David Tennant go back and forth as my favorite Beatrice and Benedick.

I prefer Denzel Washington as Don Pedro and Richard Briers as Leonato, but Nathan Fillion and Tom Lenk beat out everybody for Dogberry and Verges. Not sure why Antonio gets short shrift in so many productions, but it doesn’t matter — Brian Blessed is untouchable in that role. And dammit, I think that Keanu does a great one-dimensional villain.

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