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Annnnnd Time! Pi Day, 1:59pm

This day in Great Outdoor Fight history: We meet The Man With The Blood On His Hands for the first time.

Is this mathematically the best time to write a blogpost? I think it is! And math is intrinsically linked with science, so let’s get all sciency up in here.

Spam of the day:

Talcum Powder Lawsuit ATTENTION: Ovarian Cancer Patients. Did You Use Talcum Powder?

It might just be impossible for me to have ovarian cancer, and it might just be impossible for people with ovarian cancer to not have used talcum powder since basically everybody has at some point. Might as well ask ATTENTION: Ovarian Cancer Patients. Did You Breathe Air?

I mean, unless you’re implying that they put the talcum powder directly on the ovaries which would not be the dumbest illness/injury thing I’ve heard since becoming an EMT.

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