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Because I Couldn’t Post Yesterday And Might Not Be Able To Post Monday

This day in Great Outdoor Fight history: Vlad is entirely correct. Is SO cool.

But mostly because I feel like it, dammit.

  • David Malki ! is in the mood to give stuff away, and you’re in a position to take advantage. For the obsessive completists out there (cough, cough), Malki ! has announced that his new series of “cast cards” — little plaques of what appears to be fiberboard, with a colorful, Wondermarkesque character attached to the front — is about to get larger, thanks to the introduction of a subscription program at his Patreon. But there is also a new, non-subscription-based card that some of you can get for free right now:

    If you own five or more Wondermark books, you are a Library Ace right now! You qualify to get one of these cards, for free, to commemorate your great achievement!

    To claim your card, take a cool picture of your five (or more) Wondermark books. I wanna see what you got, and show your collection to other people too!

    Then: tweet your picture with #libraryace, and tag either @malki or @wondermarkfeed. (And make sure you’re following one or both of of those accounts, so I can DM you your claim instructions once I see your post!)

    And if you don’t own at least five Wondermark books, Malki ! is coincidentally running a 13-day sale in advance of Wondermark’s 13th anniversary; it’s also approximately the 10th anniversary of the Machine of Death (the original Dinosaur Comics strip was run in December of 2005, but the idea for an anthology of MoD stories dates to about this time, 2006), so you can get MoD stuff for cheaps, too.

    Specifically, you can get any three Wondermark books for eighteen dollars, and ten bucks will get you either MoD anthology, the base card game, or the expansion set. Everything’s at the Wondermark store until 9 March.

  • We at Fleen have mentioned Josh Fruhlinger’s delightful debut novel, The Enthusiast, on several occasions. It was the hit of the publishing season among people that heard of it and bought it and read it and enjoyed it; now those same people can drag their friends to the just-announced Enthusiast book tour, which will take Fruhlinger to four cities of personal significance.

    He’ll start on 26 April in Washington, DC (where the book takes place), then making his way to Baltimore (Frulinger was a longtime Charm City resident, including the time he wrote the book), Brooklyn (home of his cover illustrator, Matt Lubchansky, plus who doesn’t want to visit Brooklyn in the spring?), and finishing in Buffalo (home of the future Josh Fruhlinger Birthplace National Monument) on 5 May. Come meet Fruhlinger (enthusiastically), get your book signed (enthusiastically), shoot the shit about Mary Worth or whatever (enthusiastically), and let other people know where your enthusiasms lie.

Spam of the day:

We have had so many people wanting to help run or support blood drives for Free Tickets to the Vans Warped Tour, our staff is working over time. All free tickets will be earned and set up with the blood centers. With this many of you committed to helping, it’s going to take us a couple weeks to sort through everyone and connect you to running blood drives.

Why am I being offered a shot at free and VIP tickets for the Warped Tour? Oh shit, did I sign up to run a blood drive and forget it? Do I have to be a sneering, hipster-glasses-wearing, Day-Glo snakeheaded Medusa to qualify? That’s what your email implies.

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