The webcomics blog about webcomics

Yep, She Remembered

Yay for sisters!

Pardon me, I appear to have something in my eye.

  • Is it a good day to see what’s happening at the intersection of comics and booze? Always! Kristen Siebecker (certified sommelier and originating showrunner of MoCCA Fest) has a curated food & wine tasting in the Village on 23 March, a new video channel, and a podcast exploring wine from A to Z. Pay attention to her and you’ll drink better.
  • Speaking of MoCCA, it’s run by the Society of Illustrators, who would like you to know that they are teaming up with SPX to put together a museum retrospective of alt-weekly comics, running now through 2 May at the SoI building. From Jules Feiffer to Lynda Barry to Matt Groening to Alison Bechdel (along with latter-day alt-weekly comics creators like Ellen Forney, Keith Knight, Jen Sorensen, and more), the exhibit kicks off with a reception tonight, at 6:00pm, at 128th East between Lexington and Park. They’re suggesting a US$15 donation at the door, but these deals usually include snacks and drinks, so that’s all right.
  • Speaking of collaborations (again) and New York (again), you might recall that Brooklyn webcomickers Meredith Gran and Mike Holmes announced their engagement at the start of the year. Some of you may also recall that weddings can be stupid expensive, so like all artists faced with expenses, Mer and Mike are putting stuff on sale — from Bravest Warriors and Marceline and Octopus Pie pages at ridiculously low prices to limited commissions by Holmes, now’s the chance to get some nifty art and help two of the best people ever join themselves together with a kick-ass party.
  • I love technology. For those wondering where the printed copies of Evan Dahm’s Oz adaptation are, they’re on a boat. This boat, which you can track in real time. It appears to be (as of this writing) passing Crete at 18 knots, heading to the Straits of Gibraltar and thence across the Atlantic to New York. Which means two bits of good fortune:
    1. It didn’t head from China across the Pacific to the West Coast, straight into the remnants of a crippling dockworkers strike that would keep it backed up for weeks
    2. It made it past the pirate-infested waters of the Indian Ocean, such that the books will arrive on these shores instead of in some marauder’s den in Mogadishu

    Figure another week to ten days at sea, then clearing customs, then shipping — soon. Very, very soon.

  • It appears that much of the weather that affected such a wide swathe of the Eastern Time zone¹ did not — for once — hit Boston, and so PAX East is underway with transport hitches only occurring at origins, rather than preventing everybody from arriving in the host city. Watch out for yetis hidden in the massive piles of snow left over from the dozen major storms this season, and let’s hope a blizzard doesn’t descend between now and Monday.

    Oh, and as I’ve admonished the attendees of PAX East since I was there during the Boston colleges and universities norovirus outbreak of 2010, Wash yer damn hands unless you want to get the poop disease.

Spam of the day:

Going time for the furnishings shop in Gloucester example, you can furniture-for-sale-in-Gloucester and furniture-for-sale-in-Cheltenham pages, that can then help with a nearby looks for your products.

Are Gloucester and Cheltenham near Tackleford? The less than total amount of sense in that spam makes suspect proximity to a weirdness center.

¹ Reminder: set your clocks ahead an hour tomorrow night.

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