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Leaps, Bounds

Looks like late posts this week; gomen.

  • In the roughly one year since Matt Bors launched The Nib for Medium, the site has grown with rapidity; there are a couple of regular contributors whose work doesn’t grab me (and at least one who actively, consistently enrages me), a bunch that I like, and a few that I love¹ — I think that probably makes it a very good comics section by any measure, but especially as editorial comics, as it has avoided the trap of becoming an echo chamber.

    Even better, he’s got a budget and those contributors (a dozen or more on a regular weekly basis, maybe 30 or 40 over the past year in all) get paid. If that seems like a fair amount of work, you’re right, and a couple months back Bors hired Eleri Harris as associate editor.

    Apparently, the growth is too much for two people to easily wrangle, as three months later Matt Lubchansky (of Please Listen To Me and New Amsterdam Mystery Company) is now joining up as editorial assistant:

    Matt’s going to be helping me and associate editor Eleri Harris manage our day to day publishing schedule, as well as tweeting on twitter, contributing his own comics, and working with me on a SECRET PROJECT.

    This seems as good a time as any to share Lubchansky’s classic supersomething, Not-All-Man, as well as his Nibby contribution today, about a problem in the atheist community. Lubchansky’s a skilled skewer-er of those that need skewering, always punches up, and has a visual style that’s well suited to making points and chuckles in equal degree. Best of luck to Lubchansky, and we’ll report back on the rumor that Eleri Harris is thinking of changing her name to “Matt” in order to help confuse The Nib’s enemies.

  • In other news, the Joe Shuster Awards were presented over the weekend, honoring the finest in Canadian comics / Bandes dessinée Canadien. This year’s recognition for Webcomics Creator / Créateur de Bandes Dessinées Web went to Jayd Aït-Kaci with Christina Strain for The Fox Sister. Once again, the Shusters remain both well-curated and an excellent source for discovering new webcomics. And heck, anybody that wins in a field that includes Emily Carroll is well worth your attention; for reference, the nominees are found here.

Spam of the day:

Dearest sweet melissa, all the best sweet finerd! I will be here waiting for you but i hope you will drop by on FB once a while to connect with all of us!

Oh … kay.


¹ Gemma Correll 4 Lyfe, yo.

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