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It’s About Time

Corrections first, as yesterday during the hourly updates of A Softer World #1000 I spoke of alt-text disappearing as each new row of images was added to what ultimately was a twelve-part story. In fact, the alt-text changed with each new update but was not lost — it was added immediately below each row of photos, below panel #1, in grey text, upside down, and I overlooked it. It’s even right there in the screenshot I used in the post and I missed it. Fleen apologizes for the error.

¹ Standard disclaimer: Jon got me into this blog-based opinion-mongering gig, and at present is kind enough to spare the server space to host my daily word dumps. Our relationship is close enough that I actively avoided mentioning him on this page for close to six months after Fleen launched, to avoid any appearance of impropriety. With all that said, feel free to take this item with the appropriate amount of salt.

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