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Mostly From Twitter Today

Slow day.

  • Jeffrey Rowland has built TopatoCo up over the last ten years as an enclave of idiosyncratic, wildly creative goofballs, so it’s no surprise that he would find much to like in the most free-form of all radio stations, WFMU. WFMU (which is public-supported, but about as far from traditional public radio as you can likely imagine) is having their pledge time right now, leading Rowland to tweet:

    I just pledged to #tomthon ! And TopatoCo will UNOFFICIALLY match pledges for employees and clients (up to $25 each)

    You guys, said pledgeathon last night featured Expert on Everything (and TopactoCo client, via Maximum Fun) John Hodgman in an impromptu Star Trek trivia battle with Twitter’s favorite elected official, Newark mayor Cory Booker. That’s what supporting the independent arts gets you — unplanned wonderfulness.

  • Speaking of impromptu wonderfulness, the always-delightful Chainsawsuit turned five years old yesterday. Then it accidentally got its website registered a second time, and now it’s TWO WEBCOMICS.
  • Official: more people should write about Evan Dahm’s comic, Vattu, and also interview him on the internet. I can think of few creators who take more time and care in getting all the details that matter exactly right¹ and treating world-building not as an exercise in self-absorption, but as a means of creating an organic setting for his stories. He’s also a really, really nice dude.
  • I can’t wait to see how the latest Octopus Pie story arc translates to print. Although the animation aspects have been steadily ramping up for a half-dozen updates, today’s is my favorite, mostly for panel 2.

    Even with all the flash and splash provided by Lacey Micallef, it’s the expression on Hanna’s face that tells me all I need to know about her state of wonderment. Meredith Gran remains the master of communicating everything you need to know about characters via deceptively simple faces.

¹ Even the ones that casual readers will never notice or appreciate; perhaps especially those details. The man’s invented like four different internally-consistent writing systems just to make documents and banners look more plausible.

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