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Breaking: The Bank

Andrew Hussie launched a Homestuck videogame Kickstarter approximately 1 hour and 53 mins ago as I’m finishing this. In that time, the following landmarks have been met:

  • 20 minutes in: 163 backers, $13,145 raised
  • 30 minutes in: 300 backers, $24,573 raised
    NB: within that time, 14 people had pledged $405 or more
  • 40 minutes in: 450 backers, $38,573 raised
  • 60 minutes in: 721 backers, $64,129 raised
  • 90 minutes in: 1,054 backers, $95,017 raised

If these rates hold, the desired $700,000 will be raised in between 18 and 20 hours; please note that as the word of this campaign spreads, the dollars/backer ratio is actually increasing and presently sits at just over $90.

Here are some pictures for you (slightly out of date as in the time it took me to create them, Hussie has raised approximately $17,000 more.

Total raised and backer count:

Just the money:

Dollars per backer ratio:

Note also that Hussie has also announced “God Tier” rewards at $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000, $10,000,000, $100,000,000, and $1,000,000,000 (that’s a cool billion dollars); at this point, it’s even odds that he gets at least one person to go for Tier One. It all depends on how many of the Homestucks that flock to him at shows have trust funds; alternately, they might all chip in together and choose one of their number by lot to be canonized (however temporarily).

Update: two hours, 1378 backers, $122,143 raised, $88.64/backer, 65 people pledging $405 or more.

Update: three hours, 1899 backers, $165,709 raised, $87.26/backer, 89 people pledging $405 or more. I think at this point, we’ve established a pretty stable trendline; we’ll see how things are doing tomorrow.

Okay, screw it: twelve hours, 5244 backers, $501,755 raised, $95.68/backer, 307 people pledging $405 or more. That’s as close to an even half million in twelve hours as you could hope to get, and it’s middle of the night for a lot of the people who would be backing this thing. If this campaign follows the usual trend of the final days outpacing the beginning, we could be looking at seven digits to the left of the decimal by the time it’s done. More on this around the 24 hour mark.

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