The webcomics blog about webcomics

Maybe Don’t Touch Anything While You’re There?

I believe that it is a matter of record that one of this page’s favoritest creators is “Hurricane” Erika Moen, who is funny, brave, honest, and knows her way around risqué material¹ like a champ. It is a matter of record that this page cannot wait for the print release of her latest comic, Bucko (with Jeff Parker), despite the cognitive dissonance this page gets when realizing that Bucko presented juggalos as fully-realized characters worthy of our attention. Honestly, Erika and Jeff — this page may never forgive you for that.³

So it’s understandable that it’s considered newsworthy in these parts to point out that Ms Moen will be part of a three-woman art show in Portland, Oregon this Thursday, 2 August. And because it’s Erika Moen, it’s understandable that the theme of the show is erotic art by comics artists, and perhaps inevitable that the venue will be Gallery Sesso, contained within the walls of Club Sesso, which is owned by Ron “Yes, that Ron Jeremy” Jeremy.

Perhaps you shouldn’t click on those last two links if you’re at work? All the details are available at Moen’s website.

Oh, and about that nickname that I bestowed on Ms Moen? Come 2015, it could be literally true.

Side note for any that missed it: Kwanza Johnson (onetime Zuda editor; while I think that the design and interface of Zuda left much to be desired, there were some damn good comics there while it lasted) has neatly summarized the priorities of [digital] comics creators in one picture. Ignore the numbers at your peril.

¹ Including when to be classy, instructive, just revel in the smut (or a combo platter of any of the preceding) as the situation dictates.²

² Heh, heh, he said, “dick”.

³ Oh, who is this page kidding — c’mere, you.

Haha, thank you for the press, Gary!! ;D

[…] recently noted some of what onetime Zudaeditor Kwanza Johnson has been up to, and this week brings news of onetime head of DC Creative Services Ron Perazza (if memory serves, […]

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