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I Knew I Should Have Saved Something From NYCC

Dumped all my good story points yesterday, and today’s a slow day. Dadnugget.

  • One thing I neglected to mention from NYCC: I had discussions at the Dumbrella table about Jon Rosenberg’s entirely adorable bunnies. The discussion I had was actually with <name withheld> about a collaboration, to produce bunnies in the form of <detail withheld>, which will be an awesome announcement once it’s made. Trust me. But what I didn’t get even a hint of was the fact that Rosenberg’s got prototype in hand for a plush adorable bunny¹.

    Guys this is so cute I am ready to destroy stuffed animals my wife has owned since childhood just to have room to keep this thing in my house. Also, one cannot but hope that if the adorable bunny plushes are a hit, we could possibly see an in-scale Mother of All Bunnies? I cannot wait to put that thing in a menacing posture next to my Diablo The Satanic Chicken².

  • New webcomic alert — I missed out on the early days of Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant, and Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether, but this time I’m on top of what looks like the next promising, full-page webcomic based on a recognizable setting but not quite our world: The Water Clock launched today, with a definite Dynastic Egypt design sensibility, but a wiki that indicates it’s going to be drawing inspiration from all of the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean. Thanks to Magnolia Porter for the heads-up.
  • Followup-cubed: Mia Wiesner has confirmed to me that the results of her digital comics survey (announced here, initial results here, final results discussed last week) are available to anybody who wants them. There’s not a server set up for the PDF, so if you’re interested, drop me a line at the contact link up there on the right, and I’ll send you her email address. Hopefully, this will keep her from getting spammed into next month.

¹ If nothing else, Rosenberg has certainly cemented his reputation has Greatest Dad Ever in the eyes of his daughter, who is undoubtedly playtesting the prototype as we speak.

² Mint in box, not to be confused with Mints in box.

URL correction: it should be, no www until rmg gets some proper redirects set up. (The second and third links are fine.)

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