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Almost Done With Work, Then Off To Spread Holiday Cheer

And what’s cheerier than cheesecakes? See, years ago when this site was merely a gleam in the admittedly evil eye of Mister Jon Rosenberg, much planning and plotting took place over beers at a holy place known as the Peculier Pub. The chief barkeep, Stephanie, was a semi-regular in Rosenberg’s comic, and she both terrorized us and gifted us with plentiful beverages. She’s not at the Peculier anymore, and what with distance and kids, Jon and Phillip and I haven’t been there in ages. But habits die hard, and at these merry times, I still feel the compulsion to buy off Stephanie for another year with custardlike desserts on graham cracker crusts. I may have made enough of a habit of it for it to be immortalized in comics.

  • On the way, I intend to hit up my friendly local comic shop and pick up the first Axe Cop trade, which (by one of those peculiar corinsidences normally seen only in scripted entertainment) comes one day before Axe Cop’s birthday (not to be confused with his first episode appearing online, which happened in January — this is when Malachai and Ethan Nicolle first drew Axe Cop, 23 December 2009). Lot of stuff can happen in a year, but I think it’s safe to say that Malachai Nicolle will someday go to a pretty good college.
  • On the off chance that you aren’t one of those people that like Axe Cop (i.e.: somebody who hates awesome things), I can perhaps interest you in something else. Namely, grumblers that wonder when Aaron “Latin Art-Throb” Diaz will get around to posting a new Dresden Codak update now have an answer. “It’s just art!” they protest, “How long can it take?” Well, given the thought he puts into his design process, as long as it damn well takes.

    Part of why DC feels so immersive is because Diaz has thought about nearly every aspect of what shows up on the page (and even more that doesn’t, I suspect), if only judging from the thought he puts into character clothing. Every tutorial that Diaz has posted on his Tumblr artblog has been illuminating (and keep in mind that I don’t have the skills of an artist — those that do are even more appreciative that I).

    Speaking solely for myself, the title of this latest missive was the most revelatory part of the posting: Costumes, the Wearable Dialog. I’d never thought about it in those terms before, and it’s opened my eyes to a previously-hidden aspect in lot of very good comics (and made me realize why I found a lot of not-so-good comics unsatisfying). If you haven’t been reading Indistinguishable From Magic, you’ll never find a better jumping-on point — we might not all spend our days thinking about silhouette, expression, or perspective in everyday life, but you see clothing all the time. Read, enjoy.

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