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It’s A Base Ten Roundnumberscalypse

That would be 500 strips worth of Mulitplex from Gordon McAlpin (my gentlemen’s bet nemesis, coming up on one year into the 3 to 5 year lifespan of said wager) and 3000 strips worth of Unshelved by Gene Ambaum (friend to one and all) and Bill Barnes (my nemesis on everything except the friendly wager with Gordon).

And if my sums are correct (which they may not be), Thursday will mark 1000 strips worth of Girls With Slingshots [link not valid yet] by Danielle Corsetto (even friendlier to one and all than Gene Ambaum). So that’s all right.

  • On the other end of the spectrum, we have a brand new webcomic for your consideration — Mimi and Eunice. Ordinarily, a comic that started sometime last month wouldn’t be mentioned here, but two things distinguish M&E:

    1. It’s by Nina Paley, who applied the free content (or “webcomic”) model to an entire feature film that kicked ass
    2. The archive already has 16 entries for August 2010 and an astonishing 115 for July 2010

    At the moment, it’s easy to search out M&E strips by topic, but there’s effectively no dating or archive system. This is a bit weird, but given that the strips aren’t topical or plot-driven, my initial suspicion of this situation may not be entirely warranted. In the meantime, M&E rewards random topic-diving.

  • Following up on a post from last November, wherein we noted that the mysterious Eben07 would be “doing print” with Brain Food Comics, an outgrowth of The Slightly Askew Adventures of Inspector Ham & Eggs: BFC has since also picked up the print bid’ness of Dinoman, and is now in the “cash intensive” phase of expansion. Kickstart[er]ing is not unusual in these cases, but the donation patterns on this fundraiser caught my eye: all pledges are currently at the $50, $75, and $100 levels, with none at the more economical $5, $10, $20, or $30 levels.

    This would seem to indicate a fairly high level of buy-in from fans of the associated comics, as nobody’s opted for the cheap donation levels. Conventional wisdom has been that you can’t succeed in business catering to a narrow (but free-spending) audience without a broader base, but with better than 10% of goal in the first two days of the pledge period? Maybe the “long tail” can be stubbier than we all thought.

Thanks for linking to our kickstarter, Gary. I too have been pretty surprised by the results, and seeing that they have continued along the same lines.

Small donations have not been the norm with this kickstarter. It has been overwhelming to get them – especially the last two as of this writing being in the $250 and $500 tiers. People getting life-time subscriptions to whatever Brainfood Comics produces.

We’re about 1/2way through the 40 days, and have raised almost 1/2 our goal.

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