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Can Everybody Hear Me At The Back?

At the conclusion of Southworth's announcement, emergency services moved in to quell the mighty flames left in his wake.

Some interesting bits of information have been hitting the aether since yesterday.

  • Rumor has it that Paul Southworth is up to something. There are subtle hints scattered here and there, dark rumors whispered in darker places. Then there’s this:

    I can’t wait to show you this new strip and website , guys. Oh man oh man oh man not much longer now

    So yeah — screw subtle hints, this is Southworth shouting from atop a pile of overturned, burning cars (comparatively speaking). You Are Dead is nice and all, but the thought of Southworth returning to stripping (insert joke here) with ongoing characters and plots and all is making me happy today. Nothing’s broken today, and it would be kind of weird to launch on a Friday, so smart money says watch Southworth very carefully for the next couple of Mondays.

  • In other, more clearly defined, news, it appears that this year’s Estradarama is a no-go; reports that Christmas has also cancelled are premature, and we remain cautiously optimistic. But back to Ryan Estrada, and what’s up with the nascent tradition of guest strip carpet bombing:

    Well, I’m very pleased to say there is no Ryan Estrada Day today. There was a lot of criticism of last years’ offerings, and all of it absolutely correct! It was fun as a stunt, but taking 2 months off work to prepare for one day, then being so swamped catching up with my paid work that I can’t draw any other personal stuff for the rest of the year is silly.

    Fair enough; I liked seeing Estrada’s take on so many different characters (both visually and from a writer’s perspective), and I enjoyed the hunt aspect of tracking ’em all down, but you know what? Ryan Estrada is not my bitch, and no desire for free entertainment on my part trumps any decision he makes on his part to engage or not engage in providing said entertainment, particularly not at the expense of paying work. And it appears that the paying work is coming to the fore:

    From now on, I am in the business of making quality work, and trying to make a living off of that work, rather than trying to squeeze it in between commissions. I have a list of projects that I’ll be doing over the next year, and when they’re ready, you’ll get the chance to see them! Here’s what’s in the works:

  • Can there be more than one new sci-fi comedy webcomic? Apparently so, according to Culture Pulper Mike Russell’s Twitterfeed:

    Getting sneak peek at Chris Baldwin‘s forthcoming comedy space-opera webcomic. It’s adorable, but w/ lasers. Prediction: hit.

    Adorable and lasers? I’m there.

Around July, Fleen seemed to adopt a more mature, less ass-kissing tone, and I considered making a positive remark.

But I was wrong.

Also, possibly the first wall plaque for a webcomicist (webcomicker? webcomicator?)

[…] this from the comments because it’s great: Tim Tylor notes that a webcomicista has now achieved the last remaining […]

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