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It Appear That I Can, In Fact, Post From My Phone — Truly We Are Living In The Future

… although it appears that uploading pics is a bit dicey. The workaround appears to involve tweeting the photos and then aggregating via Twitpic — it’s a bit of a pain, so don’t expect it all the time. Let’s talk about Tuesday night at the San Diego Convention Center.

Now then, see that pic up above? That will, in short order, be the Penny Arcade booth, swarming with stuff beyond imaginings (including one of my must-haves of the show). The blur on the left is PA business guru Robert Khoo. The blur on the right is Brian Sunter, who prevailed over 800 other candidates to become the new trade show/supply chain guy. The written test that they described defied description (Khoo confirmed that I would have taken myself out of the running — had I gotten that far — on the question about laundry), but what’s more mind-boggling is that this is Sunter’s

  1. first Comic-Con
  2. first week on the job

If you’re in town, come by and shake his hand and wish him luck. He’s the tall, rugged-looking blur.

Other photos:

In mere hours, these empty booths will transform themselves into booths crammed full of merchandise and art. There will be crowds as far as the eye can see. Some booths are more colorful than others, and the local Red Bull distributor already knows about this place. Heading back over to chronicle the remainder of setup, and then the madness — madness I say! — that is Preview Night. Pray for Mojo.

I understand how you feel about your ability to post to your blog from your phone. You probably remember I predicted this from my flying car months ago.

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