The webcomics blog about webcomics

Ladies And Gentlemen: Steve Troop Holding Something

Let’s hope that settles that. In other delayed-by-slow-ass-network happenings:

  • Looking for a completely unique gift for a loved one? Want to star in a comic strip of your own? Chris Baldwin has you covered: the solicitation has gone out for stories of how your day went, to be made into a comic. You supply $100 and a script with four scenes from the day; Baldwin changes the names (to protect the innocent) and sends you the original artwork. Your day may show up in print in future, which has the potential to be a really damn interesting collection.
  • If you aren’t reading Anders Loves Maria, why the hell aren’t you? This strip has been hitting on all cylinders pretty much since day one, and lately, Rene Engström’s work has been so good that it hurts to realize that I will never create anything this compulsively readable.
  • Con Watch! Greg Carter wants you to know the deal with Otakon and webcomickers:

    Otakon next weekend has filled up the first two Artists Alley table sections with webcomickers. It’s not officially “Webcomic Island”, but it has all the appearances of one. Here’s the interactive AA map if mouse over a table, you can see who it belongs to. Check out pods A & B when you first enter the AA.

    Kudos to Otakon for the clustering of webcomics, and that interactive map is pretty cool.

  • Finally, check out PC Magazine’s online edition, which has a new feature on the 10 Best Unsung Webcomics. Although I’m not sure why they call these unsung, since we’ve sung about most of ’em pretty repeatedly.

Ha ha! And here I was going to try to find someone at work this morning to take a picture of me with a present for Gary ;)

While I applaud his entrepreneurship, Chris Baldwin’s idea is not completely unique – I’ve been doing something similar with the PC Weenies guest-star service for 2 years now. (granted my comics are tailored for tech themes, but still…)

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