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Occupational Hazards

I’ve mentioned in the past that I work in IT, and as such have come down with a mild case of what The Front calls the wrist-hurt disease. It has fortunately not progressed as far as a formal RSI, but while I’m waiting for the NSAIDs to kick in and my new habits to become effective, I’m drastically cutting back on my computer time. This should be temporary, but I’m only going to be writing at length about stuff that’s literally important enough to me to be worth the pain; expect brevity and link roundups. You’ll know I’m feeling better when the word count goes back up.

So, from alert reader Brett g [sic] Porter, check out this story from the New York Times over the weekend. It’s a profile about longtime greeting-card ‘tooner Sandra Boynton, but there are some useful lessons for any independent artistic type. I particularly liked this quote on page one of the story:

As an entrepreneur, Ms. Boynton maintains a firm grasp on market realities and her finances, but she says she has succeeded by refusing to make money her main objective. Instead, she says, she has focused on the creative process, her artistic autonomy, her relationships and how she uses her time.

“I don’t do things differently to be different; I do what works for me,� she says. “To me, the commodity that we consistently overvalue is money, and what we undervalue is our precious and irreplaceable time. Though, of course, to the extent that money can save you time or make it easier to accomplish things, it’s a wonderful thing.�

Read. Enjoy.

C’mon, Gary, you know you want to go all voice-recognition.

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