The webcomics blog about webcomics

Evil Plan Working

Starting to see responses in the comments thread from yesterday about Eisner nominations. Yes, my minions — go forth and prod your favorite creators to submit themselves for consideration. And one of the called-up creatrixes (creatricies? creatrixii?) has informed me that she has thrown her metaphorical hat in the metaphorical ring.

Speaking of evil, we at Fleen are given to understand that some people don’t have a sense of boundaries, and so Rene Engstrom has been forced to take down her contact info and her charming “get to know me” comic, which her nickname referenced; a replacement is now needed — how does The Candianest Viking sound?

Hourly comics abound! I have it on good authority that fully 48% of those comics are actually drawn by Ryan Estrada.

Anybody read the posting at Wondermark today? The Very Nice Freelance Firearms Specialist Who Everybody Likes has essentially been transitioning to self-employed creative type (including webcomics) over the past year. Time to chalk up another one in the “pro” column?

I actually printed out that Wondermark news post. I just recently had a discussion with my wife about eventually leaning on my webcomic for some of our income, and while I’m hopeful, I’m also practical. So when I read the Wondermark news post I thought that it might serve me to use it as an “inspirational poster”, so-to-speak. When I’m feeling like I’ll never make it, I can read what Mr. Malki ! wrote and know that it can be done.

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