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Some Love For The Webcomics

In the aftermath of pointless election-year posturing, the Washington Post got all webcomics-friendly, although it appears the article actually came from PC World.

Dirk Deppey, mad genius behind ¡Journalista! (the blogfront of the venerable and very serious The Comics Journal) has released a list of the Fifty Best Comics of 2007 (with a couple of ties, so it’s actually 52). A touch over 10% of the list is webcomics:

Also, Dirk? Scary Go Round actually updates five times a week, not three, so I hope you haven’t missed out on 40% of the enjoyment.

Finally, while stopping by Wonderella for my weekly fix on Saturday, I noticed the announcement that there’s new stuff every day this week. So far, it’s a strip previously-posted on Clickwheel and some character studies from the strip’s development. Just start at the beginning and read forward, and muse on why you’re not awesome enough to have a cape.


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