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Geeks For The Holidays!

I realized this week that I needed to backtrack a bit. Last week I mentioned Geeks Next Door in passing, on my way to a larger, different piece. So I thought I’d jog one step back and actually write about it.

It’s billed as “the exaggerated tales of a geek couple and the people who live with them.” The main characters, Jessi and Matt, no doubt based on creators Jessi Bavolack and Matt Pascal, deal with cats, family and accents, and even frat zombies (probably better if you just go look at that last one). They’re often joined in their adventures by Jessi’s younger sister, Maggie, and a character named Barry (who seems to be the only one not based on an actual person).

I’ll keep this short, since that seems the trend here lately: you should have a look at this webcomic. I’ve found it kind of charming and winsome in reading through the archives. It’s still relatively new (ergo, not a whole lot of archives), but the characters are very compelling even though the idea itself (webcomic about a couple and their life? We’ve seen this before…) isn’t new. But, weirdly, that’s part of what makes it distinctive; it feels familiar in a number of ways. The characters sometimes borrow elements from manga, in the way faces (or fangs) look, and the overarching story (couple living together) is one we’ve seen–but these folks have a fun, goofy twist on it: the geek angle. It’s there, without knocking you totally over the head–and that’s one of this webcomic’s strengths: it’s very accessible to a wide range of readers.

There’s also some very nice color work in there, and I’m a sucker for good lettering. This webcomic’s worth adding to your list of reading for next week when (hopefully not if) you’re off from work. Fingers crossed we’re not socked in with snow again…

Geeks For The Holidays!

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