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Engineerz, Bitches! What?

My wife rolled her eyes at me when I declared the right-hand rule to be the gang sign of engineering. Well, who’s laughing now?

I stopped down my whole neighboring cube farm by laughing out loud at this. Genius.

This kind of joke is pretty much why male engineers have a hard time getting dates.

Even with female engineers.

Ah, but I refer you to a note from “The Dilbert Principle” (paraphrased):

“While many women prefer not to date engineers, they often exhibit a desire to MATE with engineers, thus ensuring intelligent offspring who will be able to support their parents by landing high-paying jobs before they lose their virginity.”

This particular strip caused me to start laughing at work earlier today. Nobody seemed to notice.

I’m not the kind of guy who puts comics up in his cube (they have real walls, not those weird cubical walls though, so I’m not sure if they should be called cubicals), but I have three xkcd strips up just because I HAVE TO. This one will probably be added soon.

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