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Name’s Bang. I’m Updatin’ Every So Often.

(See, this was what I was planning on writing about, before all the birthday/anniversary/animation news cropped up).

Bang Barstal is back from hiatus; as noted about 10 weeks ago, creator The William G (not just any William G, but The William G!) has decided to deliver the story to us in chunks; for such a plot-driven strip, the 12-pages-at-once model works nicely. This means that you get a full half of a story arc, all in one big heapin’ helpin’.

Part two of “The Dead” will be dropping on 23 December, and then reverting to a weekly schedule on the first Saturday of January (we’ll see how big the story chunks are in the new year). If you aren’t reading Bang Barstal, this is a good place to start.

This update rocked my world. Nice cliffhanger.

Yeah, I was pleased to hear that Will G. decided he could simply cut back his comic production to a page a week instead of leaving webcomics entirely. Bang Barstal really is good stuff.

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