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Monday Morning Afternoon Facial Hair

Still having computer problems, so this is gonna be quick.

Behold! The power of moustachery! It’ll get you written up in the tabloids.

Sent to us by the totally excellent Ryan Estrada:

So I’m living in India, right? A country that steals 90% of it’s intellectual property from Hollywood movies and American TV shows. Well, I open up my newspaper, and what do I see? Now they’ve started stealing from webcomics.

Over England-way, we’ve got a couple of weeks of John Allison filling in the blanks; two years of backstory and mystery are about to be revealed!

Also over in England, the delightful Ms Cusack informs us that she’ll have her first English gallery show this Saturday. In the not-too-distant future, I hope to have a review of the Stuff Sucks iPod skin for y’all, too.

And a bit later today, the first of Fleen’s Guest Reviews will be going up. It’s sort of an experiment, which will hopefully complement the triumphant return of Jeff Lowrey and his Tuesday Interviews. I just saw the one that’s on tap for tomorrow, and it’s coooool.

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