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Camera Angles

Have you ever noticed when watching a television show that cameras can only focus on the foreground or the background? And for the camera to focus on what’s down a road, for example, the person looking down the road has to go fuzzy? (I always notice this particular technique in Star Trek: Next Generation episodes.)

I bring this up because over at Friendly Hostility Sandra’s “camera focus” was on Colin, sleeping on the floor, and the guy who got the couch (Arath, I believe) was out of focus, because they were above Colin.


Maybe I’m only impressed because I wouldn’t have throught of it. I certainly couldn’t have pulled it off if I had thought about it.

That’s why I blog about webcomics, instead of making one. I’ll just keep admiring other people’s artwork.

Personally, I feel that if you want to be a writer, artist, whatever, you should go for it. Ignoring your interests will only lead to misery.

I don’t know if you actually want to make a webcomic, or just casually entertain the notion, but I wanted to say this anyway.

From the Wiki:

Deep focus is a photographic and cinematographic technique incorporating a large depth-of-field. Depth-of-field is the front-to-back range of focus in an image — that is, how much of it appears sharp and clear. Consequently, in deep focus the foreground, middle-ground and background are all in focus. This can be achieved through knowledgeable application of the hyperfocal distance of the camera lens being used.

The opposite of deep focus is shallow focus, in which only one plane of the image is in focus.

Gotta put the ole film major to use somehow…

Oh Jeez, I got beaten to the deep focus discussion!

In any case, the use shallow focus is a technique that separates two elements of the composition for the audience. This is usually used as a method to create psychological distance between two elements in the same shot, helping to keep them separate in the minds of the audience, or use them to reveal plot points by drawing attention to specific details.

However, because it’s an incredibly cheap and easy effect to produce, it is often overused in TV drama.

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