The webcomics blog about webcomics

Sort Of Like Being Present At The New Birth Of Spinal Tap, Mark Two

I was all set to write about the continuation of videogame themes and the purest form of intimacy on display at Diesel Sweeties, but then I came across Modern Tales and The Big Announcement from Colonel Joey Manley. Key excerpts:

Putting aside the question of business models, the most unique aspect of Modern Tales is that it operates as an edited filtered, high-quality collection of work … Yes, it’s a great thing that anybody can publish anything at any time. Yes, many great webcomics that would never have made it past an editor are big hits, earning money and acclaim for their creators. If there were only edited portals, that would be a bad, bad thing indeed — webcomics would be no more interesting, or exciting, than traditional media. I am completely in agreement with that line of thinking. But, given that webcomics is dominated by non-edited, self-published media, as great as that is for the vitality of the medium, there’s room for at least one site, maybe a small handful, that are run along more traditional magazine-style lines. An edited portal provides a point of reference for new webcomics readers, who aren’t already familiar with the scene, as well as for big-time webcomics fans who are always looking for more great stuff to add to their extensive bookmarks. It allows all readers to dive into webcomics that they’re likely to enjoy, without having to read through 4,000 duds first.


As you may have heard, we’ve decided to open up the vast majority of the site to non-paying readers, and to recruit even more webcomics to join us on a free basis, while maintaining our tightly-focused editorial mission. You’ll see those new free strips roll out in the coming weeks and months. The new editor for the free section of our site, who will be posting here soon, will have more to say on that subject.

The new editor referenced, as you may recall, is a one Mr Eric Alfred Burns I, Esq., BA (Snark), whose work one may find here-ish. What with the propitiousness of the week and all, we at Fleen expect to hear from Burns at MT shortly; it’s been a long road since Manley and Burns announced the forthcoming changes at MT, and I think we all hope that the time was well spent. Congrats to Manley and Burns, and here’s to the new Modern Tales.

In response to the image “alt” tag: I actually cut the thing by about half under the demands of one Alexander Danner, before publishing! Sorry bout that.

On the MT homepage there, that’s just an iframe containing the MT blog. It’s eminently more readable at

But, yeah, point taken!



I’m always impressed any time people actually read the ALT tags. Kudos.

Who doesn’t read the alt tags? I, for one ,look forward to the alt tags.

Honestly, some days the alt tags are ALL I read.

Alt tags and their nerdy cousin title tags are all I’ve got to keep me warm at night.

Count me among those who think that title attributes are superior to alt attributes (and who do not call them “tags”, since they are not tags). I am also among those who wish that a certain webcomic artist whose last name is a principal compass direction would use title attributes in his comic instead of alt attributes.

Oh wait, what was Gary’s post about again?

Dinosaur Comics already does use title attributes, doesn’t it? It’s like Achewood.

I do use title attributes! SO HARD

Ah, I see. It’s never showed up properly for me until just now. I downloaded the Popup ALT Attributes extension for Firefox, and now it all looks fine. I don’t understand why that helped, but never mind.

Of course, REAL HARD Dinosaur Comics fans just read the page source.

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