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An Article for the Chicago Layman

While reading today’s comics, I skimmed the commentary of several, and came across this article written by Chicago City Arts about four Chicago based webcomic creators. They are Gordon McAlpin (Multiplex, Stripped Books), Lance Stahlberg (PowerfulPress), Neil Brideau (Sock Monster) and Gretchen Hasse (Freaks’ Progress).

Each creator has an individual interview discussing the nature of the medium as well as the community involved. It’s an interesting read, especially when they’re discussing the traditional and digital processes involved.

Something I find personally interesting is that they list Keenspot as a site to “discover the creative variety present in the world of Webcomics,” as well as The Webcomics List, but didn’t go far enough to look into independent webcomic collectives.

I think I know what you meant, but what is the difference between Keenspot and an “Independent Webcomics Collective?” What is Keenspot wedded to that makes less independent?

And, admittedly, I’d have to say that Keenspot is a good showcase of a variety of types of comics, while many collectives tend to band like-minded comics together.

I remember doing some paid character designs for Powerful Press in like 1998 or 99. That guy has been trying for a long time, and i give him kudos for that.

What I don’t like is, in comics, the web is ALWAYS treated or mentioned like a second class citizen to print comics. Like you’re only online because it’s cheaper and anyone can do it. I think that’s such a LIMITED view. The fact is, it’s SMARTER. And a lot of big companies are missing the boat thus far on using webcomics in conjunction with their print books. Fucking dummies. Plus, if you ever mention “DAILY” to someone who’s use to just fucking around putting out a few issues of something every year, they FEAR the actual work involved.

But really… Web Comics are just a smarter approach. They’re not all good.. but neither are all indy comics at a comicon.

Independancy aside, I don’t really think of Keenspot as a collective.

It’s really more of an edited portal.

Well Keenspot isn’t precisely a collective because the Keen Four have final say on all business decisions, but given the enormous amount of freedom its artists are contractually entitled to, it’s a lot closer to a collective than an edited portal.

To a comic reader, I’m not sure what the perceived difference is between a collective and a portal. Or why they should care.

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