The webcomics blog about webcomics

Back From The Internetless Wastes

… and tired as hell. Which is probably why, in the context of this, I find this far funnier than I should. After all, we here at Fleen are all about webcomics community, and not interested in provoking shitstorms or internet fights to the bloody death. That being said, Bunny is owning all over those birds (start here and keep clicking on “next”, through the ten updates that Lem managed in one day).

Items to be bought at SDCC are starting to pile up exponentially. Stop producing cool things, webcomics people!

In the meantime, please enjoy the upcoming orgy of national holidays, and we’ll see you next week.

Sadly, she voided one comic by spelling tragedy as “tradegy.”

Too much of a rush to dethrone Jeph, I guess.

10 updates in one day? *Scoffs*

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