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Shake It Like You Mean It

So I was reading through some comics yesterday when I couldn’t help but notice the Keenspot news box featuring Candi, shaking it like she means it. I couldn’t help myself but to click and suddenly 6 hours of my life are gone and my Algebra homework remains untouched.

I hadn’t read Candi before, but a vacation in her archives proved to be a comic I could read regularly without shame. Don’t let the beginning art fool you though, the evolution of artwork not only becomes uniquely Starline’s, but the characters themselves crawl out from behind generic art work once the details start showing up. The early work is painfully cut and paste with only a few changes to represent eye movements and the like. If there is any of that happening in the last six months, I couldn’t tell. I love these characters; they could have been any one of my friends nine years ago when I first started college. Sometimes they remind me of my friends now.

There’s plenty of rump shaking in this comic. Sometimes it touches edgy material and sometimes it explores it with the naivety of the characters. I’m especially proud of the character development. There are characters in this comic I really can’t stand because I know people who are like them. Girls like Laura make me crazy and Candi’s blindness to her boyfriend Alex’s personality grates me like no other pet peeve.

So glad the news box was there for me yesterday. It always knows just how to distract me.

I can relate to the art student at a big university. I shoulda stayed instead of going to an actual art school.
Thanks for the info on a new comic to read.

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