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The Honest And Serious Non Sequitur

My Livejournal account has turned into a hub of RSS feeds and something I almost never post on. Sunday morning at work I was catching up on my feeds and was delightedly surprised by Sunday’s Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller. More often than I’d care to admit I’ll read Non Sequitur and the comic goes right over my head. I always feel like there is something profound or at least clever that someone more cultured than I would recognize. Still I am compelled to read it daily.

Sunday’s comic was in this wonderful soft pastel coloring as if it were lifted straight from a children’s book. The comic, however, is serious and dark and hopeful and painful which feels unlike any emotion I’ve ever spent on Non Sequitur before now.

Danae is speaking to a man about the numbers tattooed on his arm. He answers her pushy questions but the answers bring her to tears. There’s a lesson here, or a memory maybe that our world has collectively forgotten and Miller almost touches it. This was a great comic.

>>I always feel like there is something profound or at least clever that someone more cultured than I would recognize.

Not usually.

I agree, Sommer. This was a great comic. Thanks for posting it here.

I concur with Doriette – this one’s great!

It’s a shame that Wiley Miller is an asshole.

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