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My Analogs Are Dueling Again

The slow marriage of video games and web comics have brought about wonderous bundles of joy. Such strips as Penny Arcade, Ctrl-Alt-Del, and Little Gamers have all contibuted in developing this new genre of web comic. Personally, I love the fact that two of the greatest loves of my life have combined into one super-mech of hilarity.

That is why today I’ve decided to mention Dueling Analogs. This strip is a nice slice of video game related humor; complete with bright artwork, industry know-how, and the edge that a comic needs to be noticed these days. This strip is certainly worth a look over, especially if you are in love with video games and crude humor.

I know I am.

I think you need to redo the links to specific strips in the archive. There should be a question mark in front of “date” in the addresses. And yes, the
Curious George strip is crudely amusing or amusingly crude.

Thanks for the heads up. Even I slip up from time to time.

Seriously, thanks

That’s why I’m here. Service with an emoticon, doncha know.

Michael Kinyon: Keeping typos in check since that year back when.

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