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Does Creative Commons Cover Physical Objects?

There is no part of this that is not awesome.

Okay, in about 90 minutes I have to drive 200 miles up that little slice of heaven known as I-95; this is gonna be quick, and while you’re at it, pray for Mojo.

  • To get back to the question above, I refer you firstly to Exhibit A, and then to Exhibit B. A previously-unheralded genius known as The Yarnmaiden systematically deconstructed the t-shirt, reshaped the formely boxy drape, and remixed it into something completely new. This is one trend that I’d like to see continue.
  • Max Huffman‘s now no longer the youngest awesome webcomic creator (although the fact that the latest Mocktopus strip features Huffman and his much younger brother is eerily coincidental). Ladles and ginglemiffs, I give you Malachai Nicolle, author of AXE COP, age five (the usual AXE COP site has been hammered so thoroughly in the last 24 hours that it’s essentially dead; try the mirror).

    See, Ethan Nicolle (29) was hanging with brother Malachai (as mentioned, 5), and Malachai started spinning the story of AXE COP. Ethan knew that it had to be made into a comic, and from their play, he has teased out the details of AXE COP, Flute Cop, Dinosaur Soldier, Uni-Baby, and all the rest of the coolest comic creations of this young decade.

    Be sure to check out the video of the writing session. Having thoroughly enjoyed AXE COP episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, and 5, I am only left to wonder a) at how good they are, and b) if all of us were that creative at age five and just had it beaten out of us.