The webcomics blog about webcomics

Happy Nineaversary, Fleen

For those that keep track of such things, today marks the last day of the ninth consecutive year of wondering what could possibly be defamatory; tomorrow will be the start of Year Ten. When all is said and done, on the day that this page turns out the light and puts the chairs up on the tables, I will be proud of one thing: we didn’t pull down the Purple Pussy story or any of its related reporting. Still, given the choice, I’d rather have not been threatened with a potentially ruinous lawsuit by a jumped-up millionaire with delusions of grandeur.

At this point I think it’s safe to say that (lawerly bluster aside) there never was anything defamatory towards Todd Goldman vis-a-vis his habit of selling art that was remarkably identical to that of other artists, and also that the United States needs a federal anti-SLAPP statute. To those of you that offered your support at the time and since — from the comfort of friendship to acts of defiantly mirroring pages out of the reach of US court orders¹ — I remain grateful. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: webcomics has given me the best friends in explored space.

Spam of the day:

thingCHARGER Use THIS To Charge Your Devices Without Cables or Outlets

Without cables or outlets? Do you pull the electrical fluid from the very aether? I say! [insert photo of jowly man with muttonchops and a HARUMPH epxression]

¹ As performed by William George, or The William G as his nom de webcomics; he did a much-missed (by me, at least) webcomic called Bang Barstal at the now-shuttered Graphic Smash². Living in South Korea (or sometimes Canada), Mr G would have been able to thumb his nose at attempts of Goldman to make him take down his mirrors.

² This is why the Wayback Machine exists; hopefully some traces of Bang — the love child of Mojo Nixon and Kevin Matchstick — exist there still. He was too good for this world.

Bang, I mean. Pretty sure that William G is exactly as good as this world requires and not a bit more or less.

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