Looking Forward, Looking Back
WordPress’s spam filters held a Bill Barnes infocomment for moderation, and passed along two posts hawking bogus Sony Viao batteries. Bad algorithms, or does it know something we don’t?
In any event, we can update yesterday’s SDCC Webcomics Locate-o-Matic as follows:
Booth 1228 — Evil, Inc and Friends
Booth 1229 — Keenspot
Booth 1231 — TopatoCo
Booth 1234 — Tiny Kitten Teeth
Booth 1237 — Penny Arcade
Booth 1330 — Blank Label
Booth 1337 — Dumbrella
Booth 2300 — Unshelved
As this list grows, we’ll just keep including it at the bottom of posts so that it doesn’t get in the way.
- Latest Web-Comics Auction for the Gulf Coast total: $1888.02, with most of the swing in just one or two items. Come on, people, there’s some real bargains still out there. NB: the Thursday tranche of offerings has not yet gone up.
- From the Webcomics Past department, Padraic Harley wrote:
I was wondering if you folks know whatever happened to Matt Milby and his Malfunction Junction webcomic? It disappeared aaaages ago and myself and my friends still get pangs of missing it.
Milby did some pretty good work and contributed a fair number of guest comics around 2006 – 2007 before completely dropping out of sight about two years ago. If anybody knows of Milby’s whereabouts, let him know that at least one fan is curious.
- Speaking of past webcomics experiences, I remember archive trawling my way through Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic a couple years ago; something about beholder home life made me chuckle, and you can never have too many beholders.
Somewhere around strip 200 I had to go do something else and never got back to it. I noticed ’em at Archive Binge realized that the only way for YAFGC to be at 1502 updates would be to update pretty much without fail every day since. That was worth a trip over to the site, where I was pleased to see that the art has gotten sharper and more ambitious, the story arcs regularly run for hundreds of strips, and there’s now a book out.
Volume One: The First Year covers exactly that — 366 comics by Rich Morris, who I now realize was the guy that did the ultimate in nerd-tastic tribute comicking, a 257-page Doctor Who epic that included all ten Doctors (as they were at the time) and every companion (again, as of the time of writing). Oh, and about a zillion other pages of comics, too.
Given the sheer volume of comics (in different genres) that Morris is cranking out, a bit of sketchy, pencil-y work is entirely understandable (actually, it looks a bit like animation pencil tests, and the faces especially have a slightly exaggerated, animation feel to them, which is doubly understandable given that Morris lists his day job as storyboard artist). If fantasy gaming and Doctor Who aren’t your thing, there’s surely something here that will appeal to you. Check ’em out, and try not to spend more than five or six hours at a time crawling through back strips — it’s bad for your posture.
Man, I miss Malfunction Junction so hard.
By Max on 07.08.10 3:56 pm
Matt was literally in my living room last night. He’s fine, just busy with life and I don’t think he’s that interested in making comics right now.
By geedeck on 07.09.10 8:49 am
Erika Moen (DAR!) and I will be sharing table M-09 in the Small Press section. It will be the convention debut for the Family Man book! Woo.
By Dylan Meconis on 07.09.10 12:21 pm
There’s only one thing that can be done: Rich Morris and Ryan Estrada have to fight to the death to see who truly deserved the moniker “Webcomics Machine.”
By Steve Troop on 07.09.10 1:53 pm
This is Matt Milby (seriously). I haven’t had time to draw comics lately because I’ve been going to college at Ohio State (I know, the very school I spent many a comic making fun of). Anyway, I just graduated with a degree in Japanese and I’m planning to get a job over there in the coming months. If/when that happens, I may* start up a comic or a blog again.
If you’re looking for my comics, check this link:
Click through the dates– some have the comic images, some don’t.
So, to conclude: I’m alive, I speak Japanese now, and I may* do a comic or something again.
-Matt Milby
By mattmilby on 07.09.10 10:47 pm
Hey, Matt. I’m glad you’re doing well and finished school! I just wanted to tell you (if you’re going to check this) that I really enjoyed Malfunction Junction while it lasted.
By Ben Lehman on 07.11.10 3:37 pm
I hope that, when Milby returns to the Web, I’m lucky enough to find the link.
By Anton Sherwood on 12.23.10 8:10 pm
[…] Fleen: Home Of The Webcomics Action News Team! » Looking …Jul 8, 2010 … I was wondering if you folks know whatever happened to Matt Milby … I noticed ‘ em at Archive Binge realized that the only way for YAFGC to be … […]
By Milby bindge | Zuidot on 11.23.11 3:44 am
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