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Happenings And Things

Carly Monardo’s Webcomic Auction for the Gulf Coast continues to garner steam, with the contributors list roughly doubling in the past 24 hours. Contributions of original art will be accepted through the end of the month, with the auction currently slated for the first week of July.

  • Meredith Gran has a book coming out any day now, and the release party will kick off the Spring Signing Tour of America (and a Tiny Bit of Canada) on 22 June in Seattle. 7 – 9pm, Comics Dungeon, NE 45th St in Seattle, with Erika Moen as special co-celebrant.

    The tour then moves to Portland on the 23rd, as Gran and Moen return home, hang with fellow Stumptowner (and Latin Heartthrob) Aaron Diaz, as KrisDavid MalkiStraub ! drop by to play Book Me Harder at the same time. Details and RSVP on the Facebook page.

    The fun will hit other cities as the summer progresses, including Toronto’s The Beguiling, culminating in a triumphant arrival at SDCC. Have pity on her as the miles and list of cities grows, and maybe bring her some healthy snacks or fruit?

  • Seen the list of guests for first-iteration con Intervention lately? The phrase “leaps and bounds” comes to mind, and one should note that the first round of Artist’s Alley applications is closing this week. There’s at least 25 tables up for grabs, with the possibility of more being added.

    Keep in mind that Intervention is being held same weekend and about a mile from SPX, so the nexus of [web]comics types in town that weekend will be truly staggering.

  • And finally, today’s sign that the Apocalypse is nigh: life imitates art, or at least actual humans imitate Ray Smuckles. Cartilage Head preserve us.

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nina Lords, Intervention. Intervention said: Fleen blogs about Intervention's awesome guest list: […]

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