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Sneaky, sneaky. Fake Shortpacked! update to cover the real one, so that a very important question could be asked. With such planning (and sneakiness) could the answer be in doubt? Everybody feel good for David and Maggie.

  • So no Onstad interview, thanks to the whole economy crashing and burning again. Wall Street is in flames, brokers have been sighted with ties around their heads forming a primitive, Lord of the Flies-style society, but I want a voice to go with the picture, dammit. Next week sometime, still on NPR.
  • Speaking of cartoon cats, there’s a new maquette of Scratch Fury, Destroyer of Worlds coming from PVP. It’s made by the same people that did the Applegeeks EVE figure, which I can tell you is one hell of a nice piece of work. Production is going to be limited to those that pre-order, so you won’t be able to pick one a’ these up at the con table next year.
  • Speaking of resinous cirtters, SLÜG figures now available from Chris Yates at Reprographics. Group effort this time: Yates designed and paints them, but they were sculpted and cast by Nikki I Don’t Know If She Gets An Exclamation Or Not, But She Did Marry The Dreamcrusher Rice. Some of the SLÜGs exist in editions of as many as five, some are one-offs, and there’s only 35 made at this time.
  • Conventions coming up, neither of which I can make it to, dammit. Next weekend the nerd hordes descend on Baltimore, including the only East Coast appearance of all four HTMW authors (they’re gonna make me cart that damn thing to hell and breakfast to get all four signatures, aren’t they?). As an added bonus, Nexus of All Creative Comiclike Endeavours Shaenon Garrity informs us of a contest to win tickets to the Harvey Awards, to be presented at BCC. How cool is this show? The one time I attended, I wound up sitting next to Neil Gaiman. Just saying.

    The following weekend, the just as nerdy but less cosplay-inclined hordes descend on Bethesda for SPX. I’m super-bummed about not being able to go to that one, as I hear that the ever-fascinating Kate Beaton will be venturing Down South to attend along with Emily Horne of A Softer World; Kate and Emily remain at the top of my list of creators I have yet to meet in person.

  • Finally, let’s break out today’s anniversary announcement, and note that Chasing the Sunset hits the big 5-0-0 today.

Okay, time to go renew my driver’s license. Pray for Mojo.

Ah shucks Gary, we’re almost guaranteed to cross paths someday

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