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If you've got webcomics-related news, insight, rumors, gossip, or shameless press releases, let us know.
A Good Start
32 [possibly done]A Girl And Her Fed
A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible [exceedingly irregular]
A Softer World [finished]
Achewood [via the blogs]
Al'Rashad/Ra-Boka [occasional]
Alien Loves Predator [likely permanent hiatus]
Alley Oop
American Elf [finished]
Anders Loves Maria [via Wayback Machine]
Applegeeks [permanent hiatus]
Ascend Comics
Back [finished]
Bad Gods [via Wayback Machine]
Bad Machinëry, Bobbins, Scary Go Round, etc. [hiatused]
Bird And Moon
Bolt City
Boo, It's Sex! [finished]
Bouletcorp [in English]
Broodhollow [extended hiatus]
Bucko [finished]
Building A World
Bunny [permanent hiatus]
Capture Creatures [via Wayback Machine]
Cat And Girl
Chainsawsuit [yeah, it's done]
Comics Curmudgeon
Comixtalk [done]
Creatures In My Head [no new comics, plenty new art]
Daisy Owl [permanent hiatus]
DAR! [finished]
Diesel Sweeties
Digger [finished]
Dinosaur Comics
Dr McNinja [finished]
Dresden Codak [exceedingly irregular]
Dumbing of Age
Erfworld [done]
Evil, Inc.
Exploding Dog [finished]
Family Man
Finder [updating in print]
Girl Genius
Girls With Slingshots [reruns with commentary]
Goats [very occasional]
Great Showdowns
Great [via Wayback Machine]
Gunnerkrigg Court
Gunshow [finished]
Hark! A Vagrant [longterm hiatus]
Hastings Funnies [done]
He Is A Good Boy [finished]
Hijinks Ensue
Horror Every Day [finished]
Instant Classic [permanent hiatus]
Iron Circus Comics
Irregular Webcomic [mix of new and reruns with commentary]
Iverly [indefinite hiatus]
Johnny Wander
KC Green
Kid With Experience
Kill Six Billion Demons
Kinokofry [indefinite hiatus]
Kukuburi [likely permanent hiatus]
Lake Gary
Little Dee [indefinite hiatus]
Lucid TV [finished]
Misery Loves Sherman [via Wayback Machine]
Monster of the Week [sporadic]
Monster Pulse [finished]
Multiplex [finished]
Narbonic [finished twice]
Nedroid Picture Diary
Nimona [via Wayback Machine]
No Rest For The Wicked [via Wayback Machine]
Not Invented Here [indefinite hiatus]
Octopus Pie [finished twice]
Oglaf [NSFW]
Oh Joy, Sex Toy [NSFW]
On A Sunbeam [finished]
One Way [finished]
Order Of The Stick
Overcompensating [indefinite hiatus]
Overside: Vattu
Patches [permanent hiatus]
Perry Bible Fellowship [irregular]
PhD [not quite finished]
Pinocchio [finished]
Please Listen To Me [returned]
Power Nap [finished] / Guthrum
Questionable Content
Real Life [back from hiatus]
Reprographics [indefinite hiatus]
Reptilis Rex [via Wayback Machine]
Return To Sender [via Wayback Machine]
Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
Sam and Fuzzy
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Scenes From A Multiverse
Schlock Mercenary [finished]
Scott McCloud
Shortpacked! [finished]
Skin Horse
Skullkickers [finished]
Snowflakes [via Wayback Machine]
So Far Apart [via Wayback Machine]
Solo [via Wayback Machine]
Something Positive
Spacetrawler [revived]
Stand Still, Stay Silent [finished]
Starslip [finished]
Surviving The World [finished]
Table Titans [indefinite hiatus]
Templar, AZ [via Wayback Machine]
The Abominable Charles Christopher [revived]
The Beat
The Book of Biff [likely permanent hiatus]
The Devil’s Panties
The Kea's Nest [permanent hiatus]
The Last Halloween [irregular]
The Nib
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella [possibly done]
The System [probably finished]
The Wormworld Saga
Three Panel Soul
Three Word Phrase [likely finished]
Tiny Kitten Teeth [vanished, but revered in our memory]
Ugly Hill [via Wayback Machine]
Uncubed [yeah, it's done]
Unlicensed [likely permanent hiatus]
Unshelved [finished]
Wapsi Square
Wasted Talent [finished]
Webcomics Dot Com [subscription]
Websnark Redux [via Wayback Machine]
Wigu [possibly finished]
Yellow Peril [returned from hiatus]
You Damn Kid [hiatus more than non-hiatus]
Your Wild City [finished]
The above comments are owned by whoever posted them. The staff of Fleen are not responsible for them in any way.