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Ten Year Olds Are Totally Retarded

One of the more interesting works of journalism being produced these days is the Arcata Eye Cop Log. It’s always a good read, and it produces at least one chuckle every week. But when you purchase the books, and read them in one big sitting… the schadenfreude and sheer volume of human stupidity just piles up and exponentiates and you find yourself laughing at almost everything – even stuff like “2:27 p.m. Child Welfare Services relayed toxicology tests on a newborn baby to APD. Methamphetamine was detected in the infant’s urine.”. It’s tragic – but in situ it becomes hilarious.

Stephen Heintz‘s Acid Zen Wonder Paint is much the same way. Taken individually, you might only laugh at one or two panels. But as you start to work your way through the archives, you build up to a state of hysteria. The jokes are inane, absent, juvenile and sometimes bizarrely cruel. Did I mention juvenile?

But as you read through the comics and as you read the comments, it starts to melt your brain and you remember what it was like to wander out of your dorm room at 3 am after finishing that paper you should have started three weeks ago and finding a couple of guys in the tv lounge who had spent the whole night smoking pot and you start having the funniest conversation of your life.

Since AZWP is really only worth reading in batches, it’s probably good news that he’s going to update twice a day – at least for this first week of the new year.

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