That Was A Surprise
Huh. Boo, It’s Sex! by Danielle Corsetto, Monica Gallagher, and Mae Keller wrapped up today. The recent plot exploration (how did Tara become a ghost?) didn’t strike me as a lead-in to a finale (there had been other, light forays into plot, although more related to sexytimes and relationships), but there it is.
The hook is present for another season if Corsetto, Gallagher, and Keller want to take it — the only folks that need more factual information on sex than four ladies that came through underserved public high schools would be the passel of dudes replacing them — but I still wish there was going to be another episode come¹ Thursday. They aren’t leaving us hangin’², though — the last strip ends with a coda of where to get quality information about how sex works, including Scarleteen, Planned Parenthood, Sexplanations, and Oh Joy, Sex Toy, which ain’t going anywhere so long as there are sexy times to be had and information about how sexytimes work to be shared.
In the meantime, show your appreciation to Corsetto, Gallagher, and Keller by a) checking out their other work, and b) refreshing yourself about sexytimes (however you define it) and how to enjoy it properly (with however many other people you wish, including zero, in whatever way you mutually agree upon) by starting again at episode #1. Being smart about sexytimes is always sexy.
Speaking of sexy, let’s check in with the Cartoon Art Museum:
- On Sunday (that would be 2 June), in the Museum Drawing Room, there will be a talk by Steven Greenberg, editorial cartoonist of the Ventura County Reporter, and previously of the San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Chronicle, Marin Independent Journal, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sacramento Bee, and more. The talk is free to the public, starts at 2:00pm, and Greenberg will sign and answer questions at 3:00pm.
- On Saturday 15 June, Jon B Cooke, Ron Turner (founder of Last Gasp), and Malcolm Whyte (CAM founder) will be talking about The Book Of Weirdo (edited by Cooke), a comprehensive retrospective of Weirdo magazine, which served in large part as a vehicle for R Crumb.
I realize that may make it an unnecessary event for some of you, as there is an opinion that no figure in cartooning has been studied out of proportion with their actual influence and terribleness as a human so much as R Crumb. But there’s no denying that Crumb’s managed to be proximal to a bunch of cartoonists who are worthy of discussion and study³, and hopefully those better folks will be centered in the discussion. If you go and it’s mostly Crumb worship, feel free to tell the gentlemen on the riser that they’re jerking off in public.
Toon Talk: The Book of Weirdo, and Other Weirdos starts at 6:30pm, with a suggested donation of US$10 (members free with RSVP). Copies of Cooke’s book will be available for US$35, and Cooke’s newest book (Art Out Of Chaos: The Illustrated Biography Of Maxon Crumb) for US$25.
Spam of the day:
=> 1 Weird Stretch HEALS Back Pain and Sciatica
Yeah? Cool. How come you need all this personal information to share this free miracle of No Back Pain?
¹ So to speak.
² So to speak.
³ I was never into Crumb so much as a cartoonist and feel his primary accomplishment was lending art and credence to Harvey Pekar’s work. The fact that this is the first talk at CAM I can recall that’s listed as neither free to the public, nor with a fixed ticket price, may reflect some ambivalence about Crumb on the part of the organizers.
I was never into Crumb so much as a cartoonist and feel his primary accomplishment was lending art and credence to Harvey Pekar’s work.
In the same way, the Beatles’ primary accomplishment was when their music was used to elevate the movie “Sucker Punch.”
By Allen Foont on 05.29.19 12:50 pm
Comparing Harvey Pekar to Sucker Punch and Crumb to The Beatles sure is a take.
By Gary Tyrrell on 05.29.19 1:13 pm
The above comments are owned by whoever posted them. The staff of Fleen are not responsible for them in any way.