The webcomics blog about webcomics

Note To Self: Titles Are Good

Lots of stuff this Monday morning. Let’s tuck right into it.

  • If you’re anything like me (and I think we should all pray that you’re not), you’ve been wondering when Owen Dunne would find the time to get back into the webcomickin’ game. Well, not only has he, but he’s hit something of a motherload first day out:

    It’s not often you start a webcomic on a Friday, then by Sunday have 5000 visitors, but that’s what happens when Ricky Gervais mentions your new strip in his blog.

    It’s called The Pilkington Files and it’s a bit esoteric unless you know the history of Ricky and Karl Pilkington and the Guardian Podcasts and their old XFM radio show.

    I’ve gotten more response in one day with this strip than in ten years with YDK.

  • Can we stop spreading the Orphan Works FUD, please? If you’re concerned about big, bad media companies ripping off little artists via a new bill making its way through Congress, please understand that said bill doesn’t exist. Small artists getting ripped off is a real enough problem without inventing fictional iterations of the problem. Definitive debunking to be found at Radio Free Meredith.
  • Interesting idea out of the NCWCCCCC for creators looking for a new revenue stream at conventions: mini-prints. You can do 4 x 6 prints at a low enough price point that they can be sold at a profit in the $5 range; make them a con exclusive, and you’ve got yourself a money-spinner at that all-important entry-level price point. Details from The Otter and The Wombat (with an especially evil suggestion from The Bedfellow that you should be sure to pay attention to).
  • Reminder: The first Gunnerkrigg Court book (a 300 page hardcover) is due at the end of the month from Archaia Studio Press (known for the delightful and historical Inanna’s Tears, the delightful and not-Satanic-Porn second Devils Panties book, and the delightful, opposite-of-all-ages Artesia). Talk to your local comic shop, or pre-order at Amazon. I suspect that similar tactics will work for The Devil’s Panties (looks like April is going to be a pricey month for me).
  • And finally, what would Monday be without a touch of webcomics STD? Here’s hoping that you enjoy your case of Chloomydia.

SO I googled chloomydia to see if qwantz would come up. Instead I found a blog. About webcomics.
Life is awesome.

Karl Pilkington is the new Penny Arcade for massive amounts of hits via cameo?

[…] some of you may recall, is when both the first Gunnerkrigg Court and second Devil’s Panties books were due; publisher Archaia Studio Press (in conversation with me) revised that to “before San […]

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