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Things That Are Not MoCCA Recaps

Photos of webcomickers from the big show coming tomorrow. In the meantime, two items relating to creators who have webcomics on hold for the moment.

Up first, Space Coyote, creator of the on-hiatus Saturnalia, drew a picture a while back, tranforming the familiar into a new idiom. Job offers resulted, culminating in a story in Simpsons Comics #131, a small epic entitled Too Crazy, Juvenile Prankster: BARTOMU!. I am not ashamed to admit that I LOLed. (story first seen on ¡Journalista!, although I saw that TV scene on DeviantArt a while back).

And straight outta Magical Brooklyn: Ian Jones-Quartey popped by MoCCA on Saturday to let us all know about a new project: nockFORCE. Check out the funny at, or at IJ-Q’s LJ, and somebody please remind this guy of the First Law of RPG World (now scheduled to return in October 2057 … good going, Kayoden Usoden “The Chaos Seeker”!)

As for nockForce itself, the writing has the same loopy quality as the muchbeloved Bandwidth Theater shorts, and the animation feels loose & spontaneous without falling into the trap of aping Ren & Stimpy house style (I like John K. as much as the next guy, but too many young animtors can’t remember a time before him, and much of what gets produced these days comes across as Kricfalusi Lite™).

(I like John K. as much as the next guy, but too many young animtors can’t remember a time before him, and much of what gets produced these days comes across as Kricfalusi Lite™

…and John K agrees with you, with full vengeance and spleen, viz:

He’s also been doing some wonderful stuff there analyzing exactly where UPA went wrong and killed everything that the lads at Termite Terrace had learned, in exactly the ways that the Frederator (etc) folks that stuff the Nickelodeon pipeline with crap have taken all the meaningless surface stuff from his work, and left the important…what do you call it… yeah, the “art” wriggling on the floor.

But you already knew that, Gary.

One day John K. looked at a Tex Avery toon and said to himself, “I’m going to make exaggerated reaction shots with bulging eyes, and I’m going to make them go bigger and last longer than Tex ever dreamed of.” Then he made that enormous take work in the context of an entire cartoon.

K Lite™ animators saw enormous reaction shots on Ren & Stimpy, didn’t remember the rest of the toon, and figured “More of these = funnier. Also, more boogers, more exaggerated closeups that lead to grotesquery, more farts, more more more.” Sometimes, they remember to hang a cartoon between those shots.

I wish it was more boogers usw, usw, usw. That would be a major step up from “The Fairly OddParents”.

Maybe you get better bad cartoons on your cable system (and you don’t have a 10 year old driving the remote…)

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